Python String Methods
about String that Python bulit-in types
str.count(sub,start,end) str.endswith(suffix,[start,end]) str.startswith(suffix,[start,end]) str.find(sub,[start,end]) str.rfind(sub, [start,end]) # start looking from right, no exist return -1 str.rindex(sub, [start,end]) # no exist return value error, str.isalnum() #alphabet or numeric str.isalpha() #alphabet str.isdigit() #numberic shape ex)3^2 str.isdecimal() #possible to conversion Integer str.isnumeric() #all of type ex)三 str.isascii() #exists as ASCII str.isidentifier() #if identifier str.islower() # str.isupper() # str.isprintable() # str.isspace() # str.istitle() # str.join(iterable) str.replace(old, new, [count]) str.maketrans(s1,s2) str.translate(table) str.partition(sep) #return tuple that include sep str.rpartition(sep) str.split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) str.rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) #return list that not include sep, str.splitlines() str.lstrip("ab") # aaabbccd -> ccd str.strip("ab") #remove left,right str.swapcase() #changes lower or upper str.title() #first alphabet is upper str.upper() #all of alphabet is upper str.ljust(width, [fillchar]) #padding fillchar until width after left align str.rjust(width, [fillchar]), [fillchar]) str.zfill(width) #prepend zero until width str.encode()
str = "ex" f"example, {str}." f"3+5={3+5}"
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